Please see our range of before & after project shots, view extended version in portfolio.
Ground floor unit with Zero access.
All materials had to come over the wall.
Project entailed: Paving, Stone walls, water feature & Soft Scape.

Acreage Total Landscape Construction – 250m2 of Sandstone Retaining Walls complete with three pond water feature and cascading waterfalls, fencing, decking, total soft and hard scape.

Lake Weyba
Total Design and Construction – Pool installation, Block walls, concrete driveway, stonework, tiling, fencing, landscape lighting, automated irrigation, garden art and themed garden design, total soft and hard scape.

Stonework terracing/retaining walls with Hardwood Decks and Steps installed on a steep Sand Dune. Pedestrian access was required as per our clients request/brief, due to the only pedestrian access being a hazardous steep driveway!

North Rise
Complete landscape design and construction of a new house, with difficult level changes. Transformed into total user friendly landscaped gardens. Complete with bladed feature walls, water feature, pet friendly fencing and a hidden Japanese themed garden.